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Metakalvi (future of learning ) the Virtual Reality Lab is to make learning more fun and interesting for students 


V1 - May - June 2022 (8 weeks)

V2 - June - July 2022 (4 weeks)


Product Designer

UX Researcher

Brand Identity


Adobe XD

After Effects

Adobe Illustrator

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The motive of this project is to give a better educational visualization 
for students and teachers.

In India schools are randomly facing closure because of increasing student dropout ratio in govt and there is no proper engaging & structured

student management in private.

Metakalvi is the new era of educational visualization for students whereby they can interact with their subjects in real-time and understand the concepts even more better when compared to textbook visualization. It increases their eagerness and enhancement in education. Moreover, We decided to structure MetaKalvi for schools based on their syllabus. 


Traditional Learning

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Text book based boring content, illustrations, random sketches wherein students are not able to connect with the subjects and, in turn, they

become bored, disengaged, Low progress and increases drop out ratio.

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What VR has made in education? 

It'll require less cognitive load to process the information. 

Virtual reality can be used to enhance student learning and engagement. VR education can transform the way educational content is delivered; it works on the premise of creating a virtual world — real or imagined — and allow users not only explore it but also interact with it. Being committed with new way of learning that motivates kids & teachers to fully understand it. 

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Competitor Analysis

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The only direct competitor in India is foton VR. We found that our key selling point from the overall research is foton VR subscription is too costly to afford and the quality of the content is not much better. So from overall research the ground breaking USP is pricing and quality. 

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What teachers and students facing as a Problem 

From user interview and survey

Before  starting the project, I planned to conduct some direct user interviews of school teachers and students to know their difficulties in education so we reached out some schools to know their hurdles in their educational career and we in turn, got some interesting facts of teachers and students as well. 

From Teachers

Students lack attention 
at class room 

Difficult to record their 
day to day progress  

Repeating the same concept n number of times

Students are getting bored 
quickly these days while 

Experimental learning at lab 
is difficult
and not completing 
their day to day tasks on time 

Memory retention of 
students is getting lower 
with normal theories 

From Students

Understanding the complex 
concepts is difficult 

Experimenting every 
in lab is rare 

Lack of creativity 

Students progress is getting worse without having subject knowledge 

Increasing dropout ratio in 

Govt schools also decreasing engagement and attendance percentage in private as well as Govt

How we went through our first phase research evaluation and deployment?

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Strategic Evaluation 

After conducting some research, we planned to visit some schools using our basic demo version of the app to understand how students and teachers feel about the VR education approach, and how management reacts to it. We gained a lot of insights from students, staff, and management, and then demonstrated them to Education Minister Mr. Anbil Mahesh and MLA Mr. Udhayanidhi to get their thoughts on how it could work in TN government schools. As a result, we received more practical knowledge about the project, and they felt that it would be cool to launch in government schools. After getting all the insights from the advisers as well as students, we sorted the major insights for the next phase.

Demo version product sample shots

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 Product real-time testing (phase 1)

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Challenges we faced in our first phase launch 

Major insights are card sorted of the Demo version product feedbacks & painpoints of the staffs , students and

management as well.

Observed from students 

They feel eye irritation while wearing the headset for a long time   

Guidance of headset is mandatory  
since everyone is new to this tech

Voice understanding is difficult even 
if there is a bit passive noise 

Some student feel the headset's about

to fall down from their heads 

Some students click the controller 

Observed from staffs

Content has to be available segment wise and content timing is too long 

Quality of the visualization needs to 
be improved

Before staring session, Instructional 
video for how to use the headset and 
controller must be available 

Guidance of the headset is must because everyone is new to this technology 

Activities are not


Need to record each students performance and how they do their activity and answer each questions (Like a progress report) 

Observed from Management

confused over affordability and how 
the pricing plan works

Will staffs be arranged by


Content structure should be based on syllabus 

Do we get service and support for  VR Lab? 


Painpoints and Feedbacks

Guidance of headset is mandatory  
since everyone is new to this tech

Content structure should be based on syllabus 


How could I translate major pain points and feedbacks into design opportunities?

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Segregated the phases into three major categories such as Product, dashboard and metaverse launch and then I focused on Product & dashboard categories, the metaverse launch was undertaken by my team.

Design opportunities

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Incorporated interactive guides throughout the segments 
whereby everyone can easily understand as to what to do 
in every segment of learning while exploring

Contents are structured as per the

curriculum in a new way 

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They feel eye irritation while wearing the headset for a long time   

Content has to be available segment wise and content timing is too long 

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To avoid eye irritation, we planned to reduce the time duration of wearing headset for long time. So we segregated chapters in to segments like each segment duration is in-between 10-15mins  

Also evaluate the color theories then changed the overall experience with mild and dark tones. 

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Voice understanding is difficult even 
if there is a bit passive noise 

Some student feel the headsets going

to fall down from their heads 

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Worked on fine tuning audio we increased audio duration gap  between each words like 0.5sec to 1sec and also planned to connect the device with headphones if it is necessary

Increased strap adjustment levels so that they can easily adjust their straps according to the head size 

Some students clicks the controller 

Activities are not


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Except one button, we have disabled all the buttons in the controller to avoid too many interactions. The content and activity also

framed in that format so that they can

control everything from single click

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Activities are framed with more interactions and used clear Ul panels with instructions to easily 
the question to be answered. 

Quality of the visualization needs to 
be improved

Before staring session, Instructional 
video for how to use the headset and 
controller must be available 

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Used high standard quality models and 
to visualize even more better 
and clear 

Every session starts with a video as to how to use the controller, how to wear the headset and the video will guide us through the entire flow. 

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Need to record each students performance and how they do their activity and answer each questions (Like a progress report) 

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Separate dashboard for each school Now they can track each and every students as well as teachers progress. 

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Heuristic evaluation of Metakalvi Second phase

 Launched Metakalvi on July

After sorting overall insights, we planned to roll out our second phase Launch within 2 weeks. This Launch captured all over India and also it is the India's first metaverse launch in education collaborating with our Tamilnadu government. We conducted a Usability Heuristics evaluation with inhouse team which in turn, we launched our product on July month and slowly setting VR labs in schools from July to September and also analyzing the data's from each schools to know their feedbacks.

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Metakalvi Launch Event

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Metakalvi Implementation

In schools


Insights observed  after second phase launch 

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3 Govt schools - 3 Sections - Overall 161 students and 12 Teachers


New Virtual learning experience 

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Teachers experience of 
Virtual learning

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Concept Understanding 
& Visualization 

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Controller experience 

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Activity Understanding 

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Overall  experience 


segment segregation 


Eye irritation problems 


Quality of content 


Audio quality 

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Say hi!!Want to know more? Let's chat!

Or Shoot me an email at 

Or find me on     Instagram   Linkedin


Designed with          by kanna 

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